Monday, August 27, 2018


Date : 27-30/08/2018

Activity : Searching and reading the article and journal from the google about the IoT

Objective :
  • To understanding what is IoT
  • To learn how the IoT definition, characteristic, architecture, enabling technologies, application, and future challenges.  

Content :
The research including 

  1. Enabling technologies for IoT
  2. Characteristic of IoT
  3. IoT architecture (sensor layer, gateway and network, service layer and application layer)
  4. IoT functional
  5. Future technological development for IoT
  6. Interoperability in the IoT

Conclusion :
Internet of things (IoT) is a new revolution of internet and it is a key for researches in embedded, computer science and information technology area due to its very diverse area of application of various communications and embedded technology in its architecture.

various of IoT application

Sunday, August 19, 2018


Date    : 24/08/2018
Venue : TTL 2
Time   : 3.00 pm - 5.00pm

Activity :
In this week, the briefing was conducted in TTL 2 and the attendance of all FYP 1 student is compulsory. The briefing was conducted by Madam Dr. Imran

Objective :

  • Introduction and Literature Review (Identify the project).
  • Technical proposal writing. (Basically come out with 7 sub point included the chapter of summary)
  • Chapter 1 (Introduction) and Chapter 2 (Literature Review)
Content :

  • Introduction.
    • Research background.
    • Overview, research study and problem statement.

  • Objective.
    • Clarity of objectives of the project.

  • Literature Review.
    • Research that have been done relating to the project.

  • Material & Methodology.
    • Material and Methodology must support scope of studies.
    • Should be clear explanation on this part.
    • Product based project.
    • Higher mark will be given to the excellent explanation.

  • Conclusion
  • References

Conclusion :
 At the end of this workshop, students will be able to:

  • Understand the significance of writing a good technical proposal for FYP 1.
  • Understand the correct ways of writing a solid introduction and literature review chapters in technical proposal.
  • write these two chapters with good writing skills.
  • submit the draft of these two chapters early to supervisors for his review

Saturday, August 11, 2018


Date : 13 - 17/8/2018
Title : research about home management 

Activity : 

  • finding a source like article, journal, and article about HEMS
  • study and learn some system that using in this project

Objective :
  • to learn the process how it work
  • to determine what is HEMS 


  • HEMS are basically segmented that has existed use in the energy for a long time. The basic function of Energy Management System (EMS) is to control the flow and power consumption in the transmission or distribution network. 
  • HEMS is a structure dedicated to the housing to use as a controlling, monitoring and optimizing the energy utility of generation and transmission system that need computer-based tools. 
  • The consumer can control, monitor and optimize their energy consumption finally it can reduce the electricity use when the HEMS devices are installed. Home Energy Management system can provide the customer's automated interface necessary to manage their energy consumption normally in the house load HEMS allows customers to communicate openly with utilities

Conclusion :
conclusion for this week I have done study and understanding about energy management system principle. 

Monday, August 6, 2018


Date : 07/08/2018 (Tuesday)
Title  : Project titles confirmation

Activity :
After much thinking and researching, I have decided to take Mr Azmi suggestion witch is energy management system as my project. After meeting with him and discussing, some amendments have to do to the title. Mr Azmi suggested to add Internet of Thing to my project. He also suggested that the system can be used for factory and home usage. After a few time we decided the title of my project is "Home Energy Management System Based on IOT".

After meeting, Mr Azmi asked me to come out with my own synopsis for the project to be placed on the FYP website.

Objective :

  • to finalize new tittle and project for fyp
  • to register the new confirmation title

Content :

The title of the project:
Home Energy Management System Based on IOT

The synopsis of the project :
A monitoring and control system of the power consumption in a house will be design based on IoT

Conclusion :
the title was register on with detail details fyp project

Thursday, August 2, 2018


Date    : 1-3/8/2018 (tuesday to thursday)
Venue : CL 218 (after finishing EPS class)

Activity :
I decided to looking for lecturers that are still available to be the supervisor for FYP. I choose Mr. Azmi bin Hashim, my lecturer subject in “electrical protection system” this semester. I believe he a good teacher and can guided me to complete my project.

Objective :

  • to find the best supervisor 
  • to discuss the title of project

Content :
Mr Azmi also the one of lecture from Electrical Engineering Technology Section, it same like my courses that i take in this university. I ask Mr Azmi for opinion what project should to come up based on the problem that face on industry nowadays. He come up with the idea that how to manage the electricity.

Mr Azmi  suggested for me to do some research first to know as well this system before confirming the title.

Supervisor Detail :

Conclusion :
As was briefed, students may choose the titles that are offered by lecturers (FYP supervisors) or come out with own ideas. After doing some thinking, I decided to choose the titles for the fyp from supervisor ideas which is energy management system. 

The titles that are choose can be seen at the FYP website which is I read through the list of the titles and each synopsis of the project so that I can understand the requirement and criteria needed to complete the project


Date  :  16/10/2018 Activity :   This is the last week to submit the report for all Final Year Project 1 student. Last week, I had al...